关于我们 About us
谢谢您访问我们的网站!我们是北京林业大学生态与自然保护学院的一个鸟类研究组,因我们的研究工作与山雀结缘,所以我们取名为Lukcy Tit。我们致力于鸟类行为学、生态学研究,尝试从小的科学问题入手,探究进化生物学和生态学的谜题。
Thank you for visiting our website! We are a bird research group based in the School of Ecology and Nature Conservation of Beijing Forestry University. We are named "Lukcy Tit" because most of our research is using tits (e.g Black-throated tit, Silver-throated tit, Great tit, Yellow-bellied tit) as our study subject. We are committed to the study of bird behavior and ecology, and try to explore the mysteries in evolutionary biology and ecology.